Meet the cast of Jack and the Beanstalk: Aaron Blackburn
Aaron is back for another year performing in Haverhill Art Centre’s Christmas pantomime, and this year he will play the role of Daisy the Cow in Jack and the Beanstalk. Ahead of the show we caught up with Aaron and asked him some quickfire Christmas-themed questions.
Favourite Christmas song?
I Wish it could be Christmas Everyday by Wizard!
Do you open any presents before Christmas day?
No! Never!
Tell us your worst Christmas cracker joke.
I have two… one with a Christmas theme and one based on our panto:
What did Adam say on the day before Christmas? – It’s Christmas, Eve!
Why was there always a conversation going on in the garden? – Because Jack and the beans talk!
Favourite Christmas food?
Ooooo I can’t choose between, pigs in blankets and traditional homemade Christmas Shortbread Biscuits!
Favourite Christmas film?
Me and my family have a Christmas tradition where we watch Santa Claus: The Movie on Christmas Eve so definitely that one!
Worst Christmas present you’ve ever received?
A box of chocolates that just didn’t taste very nice at all!
Do you have a weird Christmas tradition?
I always have Pate on Crumpets or toast for breakfast on Christmas Day Morning.
If you have pets, do they get dressed up?
I don’t have any pets but if I did then they would be!
Stay in or go away for Christmas?
Always stay in! Christmas is all about being with your family and friends! I once spent Christmas away and it just didn’t feel right.
Best thing about this year’s pantomime?
For me personally it’s coming back home from quite a long time away to be performing with some of my greatest friends that I like to call my panto family!

Make sure to book your tickets for this giant of a pantomime!
Fee, Fie, Foe, Fum, come and join in with all the fun!
Join us for magic and mayhem in the mysterious land above the clouds. Will Jack save the day – or will he get gobbled up by the gigantic Giant? Expect a generous helping of silliness, songs aplenty and loads of audience participation. Book now for the biggest adventure of them all – it’s a giant of a show!