Meet our pantomime cast: Aaron Blackburn
Panto season starts in a matter of days, so it's time to meet the last of our principal cast! Playing Idle Jack, it's the hilarious Aaron Blackburn, who talks us through his ghosts of Christmasses past, present and future.
What’s your favourite Christmas Carol?
I wish it could be Christmas Everyday- Wizard
Worst Christmas present ever received?
A Lynx box set.
Best Christmas Film?
Santa Claus the Movie.
Brandy Butter or Custard on your Christmas pudding?
Sprouts – love or hate?
Presents before or after Christmas lunch?
Favourite panto?
Peter Pan.
Dream Christmas Dinner party guest?
Neil Patrick Harris.
New Year – staying in or going out?
Going out after the family party.
Tell us your worst cracker joke!
Knock knock, who’s there? Doctor, Doctor Who? (Doctor Who theme music) terrible I know ?
Dick Whittington runs at Haverhill Arts Centre from 15 – 24 December. With some performances already selling out there’s never a better time to book! Book tickets here