140 Year Anniversary!
This year Haverhill Arts Centre is 140 years old!
It was bequeathed to the town as Haverhill Town Hall by Daniel Gurteen and his wife Caroline to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. They wanted to provide a public building to become the centre of the town’s social life. It was their dream that people would have a place to enjoy ‘high class lectures, concerts and wholesome recreation of various kinds’ to ‘develop the social wellbeing of the town’. It’s a mission that we are proud to stand by 140 years later.
There were great celebrations when the Town Hall opened on 2nd August 1883, having cost between four and five thousand pounds. Although some of the original features have gone many can still be seen.
Thanks to Haverhill and District Local History Group for this archive material.
Haverhill and District Local History Group is located in HAC opening times are Wednesday – Friday = 10am – 12pm Saturday = 10am – 2pm