Clements Primary Academy students design a new Clements Community Centre Logo
To mark the name of Haverhill Town Council’s Leiston Centre being changed to the Clements Community Centre, school students from Clements Primary Academy have been tasked with creating a new logo for the building.
Numerous designs were submitted by students from the whole school, with the only stipulation being that any new logo had to reflect the community spirit of the Clements.
The bold and bright designs are currently on display on the walls of the Haverhill Arts Centre café and are available for the public to see.
The logos will be judged by Haverhill’s councillors, with the winning design to be polished up by a professional graphic designer and become the Clements Community Centre’s new logo. The logo will adorn the Clements Community Centre building on a brand-new sign and will be used on any publicity for the Community Centre in the years to come.
Speaking about the designs, Haverhill Town Clerk, Colin Poole, said: “The sheer number of brilliant logos sent over by the students from Clements Primary Academy is fantastic to see.
“It’s great to see the whole school get involved with creating something that will sit pride of place at Haverhill Town Council’s newly named Clements Community Centre, and it’s a privilege to enjoy all the vibrant designs that are currently on display at the Haverhill Arts Centre café.
“Haverhill’s councillors will have a tough task on their hands to select a winning design from the incredible quality on display.”
Vicky Hogg, Headteacher at Clements Primary Academy, added: “The children were excited to be asked to design the new logo for Clements Community Centre.
“All the children enjoyed thinking about the community and the activities that will take place in the centre. We are really looking forward to seeing who wins and seeing the logo being used.”